Friday, March 2, 2018

How to pick a Real Estate agent??

Have you ever wondered if you're picking the right agent to help you sell or buy? I read tons of articles and hear lots of different ways for potential buyers and sellers to select an agent. Heres the skinny on agents and the differences........ PERSONALITY that's it!

We have all been through the same training, have the same law binding documents we are required to use and the same pool of homes/people to pick from. So, does it really make a difference how many homes an agent has sold? Does it really make a difference if they work for a LARGE company name?

In my opinion, you can have the agent with the best sales qualities, most experience, and a large name company but if your personalities don't match you will walk away feeling USED like you were just another sale, a different dollar sign, and have a yucky taste in your mouth about ever buying or selling again.

Buying and selling homes is a stressful time for anyone with any agent. Nobody can take all the stresses away because there are no guarantees in real estate. No agent can promise a purchase price, or how many days on the market. Everything we do is based on market analysis, we can make educated guesses and if we know the market for the area we can come very close, but we have no idea who is going to walk into your home or what their specific needs are.  We also don't know anything about the functioning of the home besides what you have told us or whats disclosed by the other party, which leave room for things to come up during the home inspection. There are so many stages of buying and selling that have to come together for everyone to walk away happy.

Based on the information above and knowing that a deal can fall apart even when you have worked very hard and been very diligent what makes a good agent?

1. An agent that understands you and your needs
2. An agent that's available
3. An agent that wants to become a resource for you now and in the future
4. An agent you feel comfortable asking questions to and being yourself around

Yes, there are other things that agents need to be successful in the industry but if your agent is lacking these essentials regardless if how your real estate transaction goes, you will be left feeling used.

Buying and selling Real Estate is a HUGE monumental milestone in life and it should be remembered as a wonderful experience even if it's not a smooth transaction and there are bumps along the way. I think you should also walk away with a new friend someone who cares about you and your home that will be available for a lifetime of questions and concerns.

If you ever have any questions or concerns that I can help with please reach out to me. I am always happy to hear from people no matter what stage of the buying and selling process you are in.

Brittney McGuire
BRM Realty
Great Way Real Estate

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