Speak with a lender preferably your agents lender because an agent/lender duo is like a well oil machine.
- With-in speak with the lender they will request a bunch of documents (pay stubs, 2 years filled taxes, bank statements, etc) these are vital to a successful transaction because they base your purchase off the documents requested. I can't tell you how many times buyers don't see the value in providing these documents which ultimately prevents them from purchasing.
- Once you have met with the lender and turn in EVERY document requested, your lender will provide your agent with a pre-qualified letter which tells the sellers agent they you have officially been reviewed and pre-approved. At this time you should start looking for homes to purchase. ( this is not a 100% guarantee you will get approved but its as close as you can get..
- Lenders run buyers through an automated under writing system typically once they are under contract on a home BUT can actually run you through before you are under contract. This helps strengthen your offer because it tells the sellers agent that you have been through all the firsts steps of approval and are qualified to purchase the home,
Brittney McCune