I just wanted to touch on this for a quick paragraph......
I can't begin to count how many people say 'Your are so lucky, you are you own boss' or 'Realtors make so much money'!
I truly enjoy my job and wouldn't trade it for anything however, it does come with its struggles and it looks easier than it is.
First off we are commissioned based, meaning until we closed a deal we make $0 so if we don't work we don't make money and sometimes it takes months to close a deal and even after months of working with a client they decide this is not the right time. Even after making no money we still have bills LOTS of bills.
Second we have to find our own clients, our companies don't give them to us and they don't just line up outside like a retail store. We work HARD to gain a client and even harder not to lose them. We do things people would never imagine...... Like
*dreaded door knocking, where we literally walk door to door
*cold calling, "Hello Sir I am calling to see if you have thought about buying or selling a home" (phone hangs up) beep....beep....beep
*Mailers LOTS of mailers.....
THE list goes on!
If we don't work on a daily basis to gain new clients our business will never survive! Most agents done make it past the first 2 years and there first sale is around their 1st year anniversary!
You must be very dedicated..... It's 12:15 am currently and I am working this is the norm for me most days!